We Will Always Miss Helen the Cat

Helen, 2013.  She’s the queen of lounging!

Helen, our 18-year-old tortoiseshell, died last week.  It has been hard on me, harder than any other pet’s death.  Helen and I were like bonded cats at the pound.  We did everything together: played string, read books (sometimes aloud), watched birds, had elevenses, watched six seasons of The Americans, prepared dinner (hers came in a can), napped, and listened to music.  She was fond of “You’re so Vain” (Carly Simon), “Year of the Cat” (Al Stewart), and “Mellow Yellow (Donovan).  Cats like simple songs.

As she got older, she spent most of her waking hours sitting with me (or on top of me) as I reclined and read.  She carefully marked the books by rubbing against the corners.   She was fond of books, because I’d read poetry to her as a kitten.  She enjoyed Edward Lear’s “The Jumblies:  “Far and few, far and few,/Are the lands where the Jumblies live…”

She didn’t meow, she chirped.  It was so sweet.  She was also a survivalist:  she liked to hop in the tub and lick the faucet. And she had a strong will.  She dominated the household.  She was a  fascinating person!  She ignored other cats, but they followed her around the house.

I had so much fun with her.  But In the last few years she had health problems and surgeries. She lost too much weight, shed clumps of fur, her kidneys were failing.  All the problems of aging cats.

I miss her.

Helen forever!

In Helen’s honor, I have translated and adapted the Roman poet Martial’s poem on the death of a pet dog, Issa.  In the first line, Martial refers to  Catullus’s famous poem about the dead pet sparrow of his girlfriend, Lesbia.

I have substituted the name Helen for Issa.

My adapted translation of Martial, Epigrams, I.109

Helen is more mischievous than Catullus’s sparrow,
Helen is purer than the kiss of a dove,
Helen is lovelier than all the maidens,
Helen is more precious than Indian stones,
Helen the cat is my darling.
If she meows, you will think she speaks;
She feels both sadness and joy.
Resting in my lap she stretches and snatches sleep
so that no breath is sensed.
In order that the last light may not wholly steal her,
I am painting a picture
In which you will see a cat so like Helen
That she herself is not more like herself.
Compare Helen with her picture
And you will think each one is real,
Or you will think each one is painted.

Floor mosaic in ancient Rome, with cat and two ducks.

16 thoughts on “We Will Always Miss Helen the Cat”

  1. Aw Kat, that’s so sad! Helen sounds like a wonderful companion! I can imagine the whole in your heart. It’s a marvellous tribute to the loyalty and value of pets in how they squeeze their ways into our lives, imaginations and hearts. I hope the sadness fades and the special memories remain. Take care!

  2. I am very sorry for your loss. Helen sounds simply magnificent and I know that you will remember her forever. There’s no companion like a good cat with personality quirks. Cats can be remarkably loyal, a virtue that is not always mentioned. I love your poem/translation. Please accept my condolences.

    1. Thank you. Helen was a lovely cat person, and it is difficult to get used to her absence. Martial’s poem did help me. It is better in Latin!

      On Mon, Mar 18, 2019 at 2:55 PM Thornfield Hall: A Book Blog wrote:


  3. This is just beautiful. And nobody else’s recommendation of “The Americans” has piqued my interest. But if Helen thought it was worth watching, I will reconsider. A cat of impeccable taste. You were all fortunate to have found one another.

    1. Helen was something of a TV critic. I’m sure you would have appreciated her. No bird videos! She went for dramas and “The Good Place.”

      Sent from my iPad


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