Am I Hallucinating, or Is Every Book Group Reading Trollope’s Palliser Series?


I belong to too many online book groups.   You probably do, too.

But here’s what I wonder:  why are they all  reading Trollope’s Palliser series?

Mind you, I love the aristocratic Pallisers.   Trollope’s six-book “political” series is loosely linked by recurring characters who are members of the political and social  circles of Plantaganet Palliser, a dry-as-dust  politician, and his lively, willful wife, Lady Glencora.

I am a great rereader, but  recently I was struck by the comedy of hundreds of Victorian lit fans rereading the Pallisers–probably for comfort and sanity!  My email Trollope group has read the Palliser series several times, and is about to embark on The Duke’s Children, the last  in the series.

And then I visited a Goodreads group I’ve long neglected, “The Readers Review: Literature from 1714 to 1910.” And they just finished The Duke’s Children.

The Duke’s Children is not my favorite Trollope, but since I seem to be  living in a Palliser era, don’t you think I should participate?

I wonder if we need the relatively cozy (though sometimes very dark) Palliser books to get us through our current unstable age.

Long live Trollope!

3 thoughts on “Am I Hallucinating, or Is Every Book Group Reading Trollope’s Palliser Series?”

  1. Have you read the new edition of The Duke’s Children? It was originally published by the Folio Society in two limited editions. Recently, though, there has been an Everyman edition. The readdition of much of what Trollope cut at publisher’s request really changes the feel of the book and the characterizations!

    1. The Trollope group IS reading the Everyman. And I”m sure I’ll like it, because Trollope’s long books are his best! Thanks for the tip.

  2. Your opinion, Kat, please. I love Trollope and have read many of his books. I love the Barsetshire series and many of the stand-alones. But The Pallisers novels frighten me off because of their political content. I hate politics. Something you wrote in your review leads me to believe that the Palliser books don’t need to be read in order. Is that right? If it is, can you suggest which one I might want to read first?

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