Living in Dystopia: The Overturning of Roe V. Wade

A rally in the ’70s

The signs of dysfunction were all there – the rise of the Christian right, the closing of Planned Parenthood clinics in red states, the near-ban of abortions in Oklahoma – but I did not expect the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

If I may say so, I am not tactfully pro-Choice:  I strongly favor birth control and abortion. In our polluted, overpopulated world, it would be more sensible to limit the number of children to two per family than to criminalize abortion.  Now that would be another violation of a woman’s right to choose – but at least it would be good for the environment.  I’m just saying, Justices of the Supreme Court! 

One summer I worked for NARAL (the National Abortion Rights Action League), and, after arranging our flyers on a trestle table, I would call out to passers-by, “Keep abortion safe and legal!” Hundreds of people signed postcards and petitions that asserted I’M PRO-CHOICE AND I VOTE! (These were delivered to Congress and the Senate.) 

Despite the polls that say the majority of Americans support legal abortion, where are we now?


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